Tuesday 4 October 2011


Sorry folks Im just starting to recover from mine and Lisa's big trip to London and Im still exhausted so this is going to be a quick post of the week...

I finished last weeks worth of work by going head first in the work thats needed. Alex the awesome has agreed to help me in making my electronics and to Pat test the circuit. All I need to do is sketch up the circuit (which I have done) and fill out a risk assessment form.
I also began making the pattern on the perspex which is already proving to be a long task at hand... literally my hand keeps cramping up with the drypoint tool im using and its slowly killing me.
And after having a very quick tutorial on friday with David Sweeny I set about making the large box construction before I had to leave for work. Im extreamly proud of myself for getting it done all by myself (whilst using trevs mdf) All i need to now do to it is seal it, paint it, finish the pattern and electronics install it all together and resolve any adjustments that may be and hey presto done and dusted I hope.

All priorities is in making the final piece, paperwork stuff I can easily do at home but I do need facilities at the college so as to make things and get piece and quiet to etch away. Im really hoping to just be left alone music on the loud as hell setting and just to get on with stuff.

The box is made ready for painting, electronics and pattern

Edges rounded off as the viewer will be at this end. I did a happy accident in when the sander gauged out a heavy chunk of wood, but with more sanding and curving its given it a slight aged feel... This is something I can run with as the MDF is a nightmare wood for appearance.

Music... Patterns... Etching... Awesome

3 patterns to choose from. Ive decided on number 3. 1 is too simple and obvious of being feathers, 2 is too chaotic and thick. number 3 has a nice flow and feels something royal it still looks like feathers without being too obvious.

Brain buzzing in the sketchbook.
a couple of perspex etching testers.

my third etching test with close attention to detail and using some sandpaper for extra depth. However I have mixed feelings towards the use of sandpaper. I like how the sections are symmetricle but the detail isnt, you can clearly see its been hand drawn and not done by a machine because there are some mistakes, there are some visual incorrections but it still works. And thats the element which keeps this piece primarily a drawn artwork.
Stay tuned for my discoveries in London... probably once I wake up.

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