More or less exactly what it says on the tin. Im ill with what probably is a chest infection (so im spending the day at home even though we were granted the day off from college today anyways) But it hasnt stopped me checking out the new brief written by Isabella uploaded by Dorothy.
First thoughts is that it takes me back to a 3 week project we had in the HNC of Contemporary Fine Art in which we were to create a piece of work on the theme of transition. It was one of my favourite projects. The idea of transition being the journey from the current middlefield building to the new campus in Alloa. I used the idea of a Jigsaw piece and created a concept for 4 large jigsaw blocks by taking pieces from the current college and taking them with us to the new building. But there were an important element to the project and that was the individual jigsaw pieces, handed out to the tutors and students of the building.
The idea of the individual jigsaw pieces that were shared out amongst students was that the course and building for the Creative Industries was the whole picture. And its built by the students and tutors of the building. We are the pieces that make this large building and when one student leaves to further education or employment another student takes his or hers place to begin their education at the college.
Back in the Contemporary Fine Art course, I was rather sculptural in my practice and I'd love to pick this project up again and push it forward even more in my specialism of Drawing. My idea about the jigsaw pieces being the students and tutors of the building is still the same and I still feel it the same and always will do. The symbolism of a Jigsaw piece is a major part in my life and understanding of the world.
And its something id like to talk to the tutors about with the beginning of this new project because im already really excited and cant wait to get started :p
Beautiful blog:)