Stuff I found in the past and was rediscovered by classmates
Stuff I love
Yup had a day off from going into college today, not that its really much of a day off. I've spent most of it doing house chores and researching my contextual studies.
Speaking of which last Friday we had our presentations and submissions for the proposal. I was really pleased with the response my classmates gave me and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's studies take shape. There's quite a few projects that can mingle and work together which is really great, whilst still remaining individual.
On the Tuesday we had our personal graduation plan presentations although they went well the real climax was afterwards with the results of our studio practice one. So happy to say I've passed but I know I can progress and do better.
Right that's enough for now. I'm hoping to post later about my current contextual studies and the findings so far. I've been watching loads of videos mainly sourced on YouTube of interviews with Kim Noble, Truddi Chase and other people with DID more commonly known as multiple personality disorder. I'll link these videos in the next post for the few people who have taken a slight interest in this area of my studies.
Well were officially back at college today and most of the fun and games are going to have to stop which is quite sad to be honest.
Myself and Lisa decided since the room would be locked from us to venture to Glasgow to see if there were any information on live briefs or free arty mags. I officially think we were looking in an alien place seeing as we couldn't find a single thing. Sadly my trip to Glasgow had to work around the strange delayed train times but within the 2 hours spent there it seemed a bit of a waste of time.
Nothing at the galleries were of any interest to me its more historic Glasgow and architecture, but not even cool architecture just rather mundane works. Poor show Glasgow.
Well I've got an hour to kill on this train so what else can I blog about.
Right well the new brief, there isn't one. 15 weeks of our own individual study and practice in which we have to research, resolve and submit a suitable plp and brief. I'm thinking mainly of incorporating my contextual studies into this new brief.
One thing I have to do is finalise my proposal for contextual studies, I think that by tweeking it a touch more both projects can be more efficient to work on because quite frankly atm its like my gran's pea soup which I'm sure churches used as cement and mortar back in the day...
Regardless I have my mental to do list for the rest of my day. Mainly being to head back to college, hopefully have a chat to Paul about my application form for Stirling, another driving lesson then a cramming session of research and finalising my presentation and contextual studies proposal.
Maybe I should stock up on pain killers for the numerous headaches I'm going to have...
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image from the lumi website |