Sunday 29 May 2011


Well that is my second year of degree finally over and I am going to be extreamly bored for the following summer months. All thats left is to get feedback for a couple of things, hopefully all shall be well and hopefully getting funding for my 3rd year of degree will go smoothly. Big thumbs up.

But anyway. Ive been floating through youtube and I came across a piece of video work called "A Little Death" by artist Sam Taylor-Wood. It was made in 2002 and shows the decomposition of a Hare on a unit beside a peach... After watching the footage I wondered... Why is it, I am more interested as to the lack of decomposition with the peach and the way the walls changed colour from the moisture or whatever was going on in the background... I think Ive grown up desensitized to video image of rot and decomp and a few questions come to mind. Is it just the video imagery to which im not sensitive towards? and if I experienced this in real life where the smell and sounds of decomposing flesh were also involved how would I react and feel then? Do others feel the same way as I?


Sam Taylor-Wood

"A Little Death"

Wednesday 11 May 2011

My Helix Final Piece

Final Piece

Concept in its location

Another Location Concept.

My apologies to my poor photoshopping abilities. But here it is :)

A huge thank you to Peter in the construction department for his help in making the large final piece.

doodling away here

Sorry for the lack of updates, its been a bit hectic these past few weeks, what with working on my case study and finishing off my final piece for contextual studies, being the helix project updating this blog has fallen behind.
Anyways, tomorrow is hand in day for specialist options so I've been drawing as much as I can, I'm worried there won't be much to show but ill find out once I get everything together.
Oh! Another fun note, finally found my final piece from the first project of the year my non places work. The glass frame didn't survive from something falling on it but I'm still very proud of the work anyways. I'll update the pictures soon.

With only a few weeks till the graduation exhibition I'm getting excited. This will be the 6th one I've seen and i can't wait to see my friends graduate their HND and degrees. Plenty of fun filled photos to be taken!

Anyway I had better be getting back to the sketchbooks.
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